Assess the security of an asset holding its value before you make a new loan, and monitor performance and risks across your existing loan portfolio. Our tool NeighborhoodScout provides actionable information at every step.
Uncover lending risks upfront.
Only NeighborhoodScout lets you uncover opportunity and risk at the Micro-Neighborhood™ level in any market, for every address. Exclusive Ph.D. developed data makes assessing deals faster and easier than ever so you can lend with confidence. Information like neighborhood home price trends and forecasts, as well as crime risks at the location, underpin lending risks.

Get the data trusted by leading lenders, both commercial and private.
Better understand and price for risk. Much of the risk and opportunity is driven by asset location. See 640+ critical Micro-Neighborhood insights in every report: real estate Micro-Neighborhood data, current crime risks indexed to national averages, trends, and even crime forecasts, demographics, Scout Vision® trends and forecasts, including appreciation rates, and even patented nationally comparable school performance ratings. Instant, objective reports include all data themes in one report.
I can't tell you how much we appreciate the quality of the NeighborhoodScout site and having a vast amount of regional data available in one place.
See market trends below the ZIP code.
One street away can make the difference between an asset holding its value and having high occupancy, and one that loses value and will have high vacancies. Get market trends at the scale it really matters: below the level of a ZIP code. NeighborhoodScout is the only source for real estate value trends and forecasts at a scale 10X smaller than the average ZIP code. Our team of industry-leading Ph.Ds provides exclusive big data analysis and forecasts for 218,000 Micro-Neighborhoods offering 100% seamless national coverage revealing Micro-Neighborhood value trends and lending risks. Don’t settle for general ZIP code information that doesn’t reflect the true location of a property.

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